Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Address of a variable in c

Location in a memory where a variable stores its data or value is known as address of variable. To know address of any variable c has provided a special unary operator & which is known as deference operator or address operator. It operator is only used with variables not with the constant. For example:


int main(){

    int a=5;

    printf("Address of variable a is: %d",&a)

Definition of variable in c

Definition of variable in C programming language:

A variable is named location of data. In other word we can variable is container of data.

    In real world you have used various type containers for specific purpose. For example you have used suitcase to store clothes, match box to store match sticks etc. In the same way variables of different data type is used to store different types

Identifier naming rule in c

In c any name is called identifier. This name can be variable name, function name, enum constant name, micro constant name, goto label name, any other data type name like structure, union, enum names or typedef name.

Rule 1:  Name of identifier includes alphabets, digit   and underscore.

Valid name: world, addition23, sum_of_number etc.

Invalid name: factorial#, avg value,

Value of variable in c language

Explanation of value of a variable in c programming language
by examples and questions and answers

Data which any variable keeps is known as value of variable. For example:

int a=5;

Here value of
variable a is five. Name of variable always returns value of the variable.

How to assign
any value to a variable:

C supports
eleven type of assignment operator to assign any value to

Declaration of a variable in c

Declaration of variables in c:

Declaration of
variables means to acknowledge the compiler only about variable name and its
data type with its modifiers but compiler doesn’t reserve any memory for the

In c we can
declared any variable with help of extern keyword while it has not initialized. Example of declaration:

(1) extern int a;

(2)extern struct student{

    char *

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

do while loop in c

of do while loop in c programming language by examples, questions and answers

It is also
called as post tested loop. It is used when it is necessary to execute the loop
at least one time. Syntax:

do {

Loop body

} while (Expression);


void main(){

    int num,i=0;



printf("To enter press 1\n");

printf("To exit press  2

Nested loop in c programming

A loop inside another loop
is known as nested loop. We can write any loop inside any loop in c i.e. we can
write for loop inside the loop or while loop or do while loop etc. For example:



int main(){

int i,j,k;



printf(" %d",i+j);



return 0;       





while loop in c programming

While loop:

It is pre tested
loop. It is used when we have to execute a part of code in unknown numbers of


while (Expression){

Loop body


Properties of while loop:

1. Task of the
expression is to check the condition. Loop will execute until condition is true
otherwise loop will terminate.  

2. If any
expression returns zero then condition will false and if it

Looping in c

of loops or looping in c programming language by examples and questions

Looping is the
process of repeating of same code until a specific condition doesn’t satisfy.
In c there are three types of loop:


(b)while loop

(c)do while

for loop:

This loop is
used when we have to execute a part of code in finite times. It is per tested
loop. Syntax of for loop:

for (

break and continue in c

of break and continue in c programming language by examples and questions and


It is keyword of c
programming. Task of this keyword is to bring the control from out of the loop
in the case of looping. For example:


int main(){

    int i;





printf("Label 1");

Monday, 21 February 2011

Array in c

tutorials in c programming language by examples

An array is derived data type in c programming language which can store similar type of data in continuous memory location. Data may be primitive type (int, char, float, double…), address of union, structure, pointer, function or another array.

Example of array declaration:

int arr[5];

char arr[5];

float arr[5];


Sunday, 20 February 2011

java questions for viva

Java questions and answers for viva 


public class Literal {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

         String str$="world";

         char str_='X';

         String $_=str$+str_;





What will output when you compile and run the above code?




(d)Compiler error

Answer: (b)

Character literals questions on java and answer with solution

Objective types questions and answers of character literals in java


public class Literal {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

         char b ='\n';

         int a=(int)b;




What will output when you compile and run the above code?




(d) Compiler error

Answer: (a)


public class Literal {

String literal questions on java and answer with solution

Objective type
questions of string literals and answers in java programming


public class Literal {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

         String a="c:\\tc\\bin";




What will output when you compile and run the above code?

(a) c:\\tc\\bin

(b) c:\tc\bin

(c) c:   c\bin

(d) Compiler error

Answer:  (b)


variables questions on java with explanation

Questions on variables in java with answers


public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

         int a=5;


             Integer b=10;


         int c=a+b;




What will output when you compile and run the above code?



(c)Compiler error

(d) Run time error

Answer: (c)

Automatic type promotion questions on java and answer with solution

Java objective questions on automatic type promotion and answers  


public class TypeConversion {

    public static void main(String[] args) {


             final int a='\15';



         int a=25;byte b=0100;





What will output when you compile and run the above code

java scjp questions and answers

Objective type questions for preparation of scjp exam and answers in java


public class Loop {

    public static void main(String[] args){


    for(int i=0;false;i++){





What will be output of above program?


(b) Null

(c)It will not print anything.

(d)Compiler error

Answer: (d)


java questions for beginners

Simple java objective type questions and answers for beginners


public class Loop {

    public static void main(String[] args){

         int i=1;

         int j=5;






What will be output of the above java program?






(c)Infinite loop

(d)Compiler error


Bitwise operators questions in java

Bit wise operators objective type questions and answers 


public class BitwiseOpe {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

         int a=010;

         Integer b=10;

         double d=~a|(b=a)<<2+b;




What will output when you compile and run the above code?




(d)Compiler error

Answer: (b)

Operators questions in java

Questions on operators in java questions and answers


public class BitwiseOpe {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

         int a=010;

         Integer b=10;

         double d=~a|(b=a)<<2+b;




What will output when you compile and run the above code?




(d)Compiler error

Answer: (b)


static keyword questions in java

Questions of static keyword in java and answers


class StaticDemo {

    static int a=0;

    int b=++a;

    static int c=++a;

    public static void main(String[] args){




What will be output of above program?





(d)Compiler error

Answer: (b)


class StaticDemo {

    int a=0;

    int b=++a;

super java keyword questions and answers

Question on java keyword super and answers


class Square{

    static double pi=Math.PI;


    static void area(double r){




class Cube extends Square{

    static void area(double r){




class SuperDemo extends Cube{

    public static void main(String[] args) {


abstract class questions in java

Objective type questions on abstract class in java and answers


abstract class Abstract {


    public static void main(String[] args){

         System.out.print("It is abstract class");







What will output when you compile and run the above code?


(a) Why

    It is abstract class

(b) It is

Example of interface in java

Objective type questions on interface in java and answers


interface Apple{

    float cost=9.5f;

    public void display();


class Try implements Apple{


    public static void main(String[] args){

         Try t=new Try();



    public void display(){

         System.out.print("cost of apple is :"+cost);



What will output when

enum example in java

Questions on enum data type in java and answers


enum Barcode{



public class EnumTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {




What will output when you compile and run the above java code?




(d)Compiler error



enum Barcode{




break and continue questions in java

break and continue keyword questions and answers in java


Which of the following jump statement is not supported by java?

(a) break

(b) goto

(c) continue

(d) return

Answer: (b)


public class BreakDemo {

    public static void main(String[] args){

         int j=1;

         for(int i=1;i<5;i++){




How to reverse a number in java

Java code to reverse a given number


class Test {

          public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

              int num,sum=0,r;

              System.out.println("Enter a number");

              BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader (;



GCD of two numbers in java

Java code to to find GCD or Greatest common divisor of two numbers


class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

      int n1,n2;

      System.out.println("Enter first number:");

      BufferedReader br1=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader (;



Program to find fibonacci series in java

Java code to print  Fibonacci series


class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

    int i=0,j=1,k=2,r,f;

    System.out.println("Enter the range:");

    BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader (;


    System.out.println("FIBONACCI SERIES: ");


Binary to decimal conversion in java

Java code to covert binary number to decimal number


class Test {

     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

          long  no,n=0l,j=1,rem,no1;

          System.out.println("Enter the binary number");

          BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader (;



Saturday, 19 February 2011

Perfect number program in java

Java code to check given number is perfect number or not


class Test {

     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

          int n,i=1,sum=0;

          System.out.println("Enter a number:-");

          BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader (;



Armstrong number program in java

Java code to check give number is Armstrong number or not


class Test {

     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

          int num,r,sum=0,temp;

          System.out.println("Enter a number:-");

          BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader (;



Strong number program in java

Java program to check given number is strong or not


class Test {

     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

          int num,i,f,r,sum=0,temp;

          System.out.println("Enter a number");

          BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader (;



Prime number program in java

Java program to check whether given number is prime number or not


class Test {

     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

          int num,i,count=0;

          System.out.println("Enter a number");

          BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader (;



Sum of digits of a number in java

Java code to add all digits of a numbers 


class Test {

     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {


          int num,sum=0,r;

          System.out.println("Enter a number:");

          BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader (;



Palindrome program in java

Java code to check whether give number is palindrome number or not


class Test {


     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {


          int num,r,sum=0,temp;

          System.out.println("Enter a number:");

          BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader (;


LCM of two numbers in java

Java code to find the LCM i.e. least common factors of given two numbers


class Test {

     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

          int n1,n2,x,y;

          System.out.println("Enter first number:");

          BufferedReader br1=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader (;


Swapping two variables without using third variable in java

Java code to swap two numbers without using temporary variable


class Test {

     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {


          int a,b;

          System.out.println("Enter first number:");

          BufferedReader br1=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader (;


Floyd’s triangle parogram in java

Java code to print the Floyd’s triangle


class Test {

     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {


          int i,j,r,k=1;

          System.out.println("Enter the range:");

          BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader (;



Prime factors of a number in java

Java code to get the prime factors of give number


class Test {

     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

          int num,i=1,j,k;

          System.out.println("Enter the range:");

          BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader (;



Multiplication tables program in java

Java code to print the multiplication table


class Test {

     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

          int r,i,j,k;

          System.out.println("Enter the range:");

          BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader (;




Factorial program in java

Java code to find out the factorial of give number


class Test {

     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

          int i=1,f=1,num;

          System.out.println("Enter the number:");

          BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader (;




Check leap year in java

Java code to check whether a given year in leap year or not


class Test {

     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

          int year;

          System.out.println("Enter the year");

          BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader (;



Decimal to binary conversion in java

Java code to convert decimal number into binary number 


class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

    long n,m,no=0l,a=1,rem;

    System.out.println("Enter the decimal number");

    BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader (;




Looping questions in java

Objective type mcq questions on loops in java and answers


public class Loop {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

         Integer a=012,b;





What will be the output of above java program?




(d) Compiler error

Answer: (b)


public class Loop {

    public static

switch case questions and answers in java

Objective questions on switch case  in java and answers


public class SwitchCase {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

         int a=12;


         case 014:

             System.out.print("I know java");


         case 12:

             System.out.print("I don't know java");


             System.out.print("I also

Friday, 18 February 2011

if else program in java

If else conditional statement objective type questions in java


public class ControlStatement {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

         int a=25;









What will be the output of above java program?




(d)Compiler error

Two dimensional array questions in java

faq 2 dimensional array questions and answers in java


public class ArrayDemo {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

         double arr[3];







What will be the output of above java program?


(b) Any number greater than 7.2


Conditional operator questions in java

Questions on conditional operators in java and answers


public class Conditional {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

         int a=5;

         Integer b=10;

         int c=++a>++b?++a:++a+b;




What will be the output when you will compile and run the above code?





Answer: (c)



Primitive data types questions in java

Data type mcq questions of java and answers


class Datatype {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

         byte num=(byte)130;




What will be the output when you compile and run the above code?





(d)Compiler error

Answer: (c)


class Datatype {

    public static void main(String[]

Basic java questions and answers

Basics core java questions and answers 

(1) Which of the following option is not true about java programming language? 

(a) Java is high level programming language.

(b) Java is a platform.

(c) javac is compiler.

(d) Byte code is executed by CPU. 

Answer: (d)

(2) Which is a not characteristic of java programming language? 

(a) Robust


(c) Distributed


Java data type questions and answers

Java objective type data type questions and answers

(1)What will be the output of following java program?

class Datatype{

     public static void main(String[] args){

          byte num=(byte)130;




Output: -126

(2)What will be the output of following java program?

class Datatype{

     public static void main(String[] args){

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Conversion of binary number to decimal number using java programming language

class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

 long  no,n=0l,j=1,rem,no1;

 System.out.println("Enter the binary number");

 BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader (;


 System.out.println("The value

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Java interview questions

Core java interview questions for freshers

1.  What is java run time environment?

2.  How java is platform independent language?

3.  What is difference between compiler and interpreter?

4.  Java is secure language. Why?

5.  Why main function in java is static?

6.  What is abstract class and what is use of abstract class?

7.  Why a class cannot be static?

8.  Why abstract class

Java question answer

java question papers answers for mca ,bca and diploma


public class Loop {

    public static void main(String[] args){

         int i=0;

         boolean b=true;








What will be output of above program?



(c)Infinite loop

(d)Compiler error

Java questions for freshers

Java written test questions and answers for freshers


public class SwitchCase {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

         int a=12;


         case 014:

             System.out.print("I know java");


         case 12:

             System.out.print("I don't know java");



Java question bank

Core java basics questions bank for quiz and answers 


public class ArrayDemo {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

         int [] arr1,arr2;

         arr1=new int[1];

         arr2=new int[2];






What will be output of above program?





Java questions and answers

Java multiple choice objective type questions  for written test and answers


public class ArrayDemo {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

         long [][]arr=new long [2][];

         arr[0]=new int[2];

         arr[1]=new int[3];





What will be output of above program?




Saturday, 12 February 2011

Function parameters in c

Function parameters in c programming

1.Default parameter of function is void.

2.Only register storage class is allowed with function parameter.


int devD(register int,register int);

int main(){

    int temp;



    return 0;

int devD(int register x

return type of functions in c

return is keyword of c. When the control reaches to the return keyword it immediately terminates the execution of that function and transfer the control to the calling function.

Syntax of return statement:

Here expression is optional which has indicated by [ ].



void dev();

int main(){





Function definition in c programming


Function is block or part of
program. When any program is very long or same code is repeating many times
then we try to cut the program in different parts (or blocks) so that whole
program became more understandable, easier to debug (error checking) and size
of code will be lesser.

Syntax of function in c

Example of simple function


Tuesday, 8 February 2011

storage classes in c with examples

1. Introduction

2. auto

3. register

4. static

5. extern

C tutorial home.

Data type in c library

    Apart from this primary data type c library provides many very useful data types. Those data types are very necessary to write some program in c. Those data types with header files are:

(1) FILE (stdio.h)

(2) size_t (stdio.h)

(3) fpost_t (stdio.h)

(4) complex (math.h)

(5) ptrdiff_t

(6) wchar_t (stddef.h)

(7) time (dos.h)

(8) dostime_t (dos.h)

(9) date (dos.h)

(10)dosdate_t (

User defined data types in c

reate data type VECTOR in c

Step 1: Write the following code in the file vector.h


typedef struct vect{

    int i;

    int j;



    VECTOR sum;



    return sum;


void print(VECTOR z){



Step 2: Now by including vector.h you can use VECTOR data type

extern keyword in c

Keyword extern is used for declaring extern variables in c. This modifier is used with all data types like int, float, double, array, pointer, structure, function etc.

Important points about extern keyword:

1. It is default storage class of all global variables as well all functions. For example, Analyze following two c code and its output:



int i;    //By

static variable in c

static keyword in c:

    Keyword static is used for declaring static variables in c. This modifier is used with all data types like int, float, double, array, pointer, structure, function etc.

Important points about static keyword:

1. It is not default storage class of global variables. For example, analyze the following three programs and its output.



int a;

register storage class in c

storage class specifiers
in c with example

A register storage class is very similar to auto storage class except one most important property. All register variable in c stores in CPU not in the memory.

Important points about register storage class

(1)In following declaration:

    register int a;

We are only requesting not forcing to compiler to store variable a in CPU.

auto storage class in c


Automatic variables or auto variables are default storage class of local variable. An auto variable cannot be declared globally. (Why?)

Properties of auto storage class.

(1) Default initial value of auto variable is garbage. For example:


int main(){

    int i;

    auto char c;

    float f;

    printf("%d  %c  %f",i,c,f);

    return 0;



Storage classes in c

In c there are four types of storage class. They are:

1. auto

2. register

3. static

4. extern

Storage class is modifier or qualifier of data types which decides:

1.  In which area of memory a particular variable will be stored?  

2. What is scope of variable?

3. What is visibility of variable?

Visibility of a variable in c:

    Visibility means accessibility. Up to witch

Sunday, 6 February 2011

void in c

void data type in c

    Linguistic meaning of void is nothing. Size
of void data type is meaningless question.

will be

enum in c

is keyword of c with the help of enum we can create large numbers of constant
of type int, which are known as enum constants.


Note. [ ] indicate that they are


enum color{RED=1,GREEN=2,YELLOW=3}

c1, c2, c3;

Explanation of each term in syntax:

: It is name of set
of all enum constants. Name of tag must be a valid identifier. This must be

float overflow in c

What will happen if we will go beyond
the range of float, double and long double data type?


we will assign a value which is beyond the maximum value of that data type
compiler will assign +INF if number is positive and –INF if number is negative.
If we will assign a value witch is less than minimum value of that data type
then complier will assign a garbage value or zero. 

Integer overflow in c

3. Cyclic
nature of unsigned int:

of unsigned int is 0 to 653535. If we will assign a value greater than 653535
then value of

char overflow in c

1. Cyclic nature of unsigned char:

Consider following c program:


void main(){

    unsigned char c1=260;

Overflow in c

1. Overflow of char data type in c programming

2. Overflow of int data type in c programming

3. Overflow of long int data type in c programming

4. Overflow of float data type in c programming

5. Overflow of double data type in c programming

6. Overflow of enum data type in c programming

List of data types
Primitive data types in c
Modifiers of data types in c
List of

Memory representation of float data type in c

(Both in Turbo c compiler and Linux gcc compiler)

numbers are stored in exponential form i.e.

(Mantissa)*10^ (Exponent)

* indicates multiplication and ^ indicates power.

memory only Mantissa and Exponent is stored not *, 10 and ^.

size of float data type: 32 bit

bits are used in following manner:

bit: 8

bit: 24

is signed number,

float in c

of float data type is four byte in all c compilers. It stores real number i.e.
floating point numbers. A floating point number cannot be

Memory representation of signed int

size of unsigned int: 16 bit

Those eight bits are use as:

Data bit: 15

Signe bit: 1

Note: In c negative number is
stored in 2’s complement format.


representation of:

signed int a=7;            (In Turbo c

signed short int a=7   (Both turbo c and
Linux gcc compiler)

equivalent of data 7 in 16 bit:  00000000 00000111


Memory representation of int in c

Memory representation of unsigned int:

size of unsigned int: 16 bit

Those eight bits are use as:

Data bit: 16


representation of:

unsigned int a=7;          (In Turbo c

unsigned short int a=7 (Both
turbo c and Linux gcc compiler)

equivalent of data 7 in 16 bit:  00000000

bit: 00000000 00000111

eight bit of data

int in c

is int or integer data type in c programming language with examples?

Size of int
data type depends upon which compiler we are using. Hence memory representation
also varies according to the compilers. Before explaining the memory
representation of int dada type I would like to one very important concept
endianess of operation system.

of hardware:

    There are
two types

short int in c

of short is two byte in the 16 bit compilers like turbo c++, Borland c++ as
well as 32 bit compilers like Linux gcc compiler. In Turbo c complier size of
both short int and int is two byte. Hence there is not so importance of short
int Turbo c compiler but in Linux gcc compiler size of short int is two byte
while size of int is four byte. Since memory is too costly, hence we generally

Memory representation of signed char in c

(2)Memory representation of: signed char a=-7;

equivalent of data 7 in eight bit:  00000111

equivalent of data -7 will be its 2’s complement:

complements of 0000 0111 is 1111 1000

complement will be:

equivalent of data -7 in eight bit:  1111 1001

bit: 1111001 (Take first seven bit form right side)

bit: 1       (Take
leftmost one bit)

Memory representation of char in c


Memory representation of: signed char a=7;

equivalent of data 7 in eight bit:  00000111

bit: 0000111 (Take first seven bit form right side)

bit: 0       (Take leftmost
one bit)


List of data types
Primitive data types in c
Modifiers of data types in c
List of modifiers in c
Default modifiers of data types in c
Default data of

char in c

data type in c

    It is one
byte data type both in Turbo c compiler and Linux gcc compiler.

representation of

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Fundamental data types in c

It is also called as Primitive data type. 

1. char

2. int

3. float 

4. double

5. void 

List of data types
Primitive data types in c
Modifiers of data types in c
List of modifiers in c
Default modifiers of data types in c
Default data of modifiers in c
Rules of using modifiers in c
Possibles modifiers of given data types in c
Size modifier in c
Size of data types in c

volatile modifier in c

All variable in c are by default not volatile. With
help of modifier volatile which is keyword of c language you can make any
variable as volatile variable.

Properties of volatile variable:

1. A volatile variable can be changed by the
background routine of preprocessor. This background routine may be interrupt
signals by microprocessor, threads, real times clocks etc.

2. In simple word we

const modifier in c

Explanation of const modifier in c programming language
by examples, questions and answers:

In c all variables are by default not constant. Hence, you can modify the value
of variable by program. You can convert any variable as a constant variable by
using modifier const which is keyword of c language.

Properties of
constant variable:

1. You can
assign the value to the constant

C data types limits

to remember size of data type in c?

    If you have
memorized the size of data type in all types c compiler then there is not any
problem. If you cannot memorized then it is also not a problem because every c compiler
provide one header file
which contain some micro constants for size of integral data type which is easy
to memorize. Those micro constants are:


Range of data types in c

Following table illustrate the range or maximum or minimum value of data types in
TURBO C++ and Borland c++ compilers.

Note: In the above table range of
float, double and long double has written only for positive numbers. But this
range is also true for negative numbers i.e. for range of float is -3.4*10^38
to -3.4*10^ (-38) and so on.


Why range of signed char

Modifiers in c language


modifiers are responsible for to make data type signed or unsigned. Both signed
and unsigned modifiers affect the range of a data type. In c char all primitive
data type except void are by default signed. If you will write:

signed char c;

signed short int si;

signed int i;

signed long int li;

Compiler will not show any error or warning message
but it

Size of data types in c

Size of data types in c
programming language turbo C and GCC compilers

Size of data types in the 16 bit compilers, like
TURBO c++ 3.0, Borland c++ etc:

Size of data types in the 32 bit compilers. Example:
LINUX gcc compiler, Turbo c 4.5 etc:

List of data types
Primitive data types in c
Modifiers of data types in c
List of modifiers in c
Default modifiers of data types

C programming modifiers

of all eight group of modifier in c:


    Only two
modifiers short and long can affect the size of any data type in c. size of
primitive data type in c depends upon the word length of the microprocessor. In
general we can say size of int is word length of microprocessor.

List of data types
Primitive data types in c
Modifiers of data types in c

Modifiers of variable in c

modifiers with given data type in c

We cannot use all modifiers with each data types in
c. Following table represents permitted or meaningful modifiers which can be
used with a particular data type.

important points regarding above table:

1. In case of array and pointer, size and sign
modifier depends upon which data type you are using in the declaration of array

Modifiers in c

Explanation of modifiers in
c programming language by examples and questions

Rules for using modifier in c

Rule 1: We cannot use
two modifiers of same groups in any particular data type of c.

For example,
following declaration of c are illegal:

short long int i;

static auto char c;

signed unsigned int array[5];

pascal cdecl display();

Following are

Default data type in c

Default data type is opposite of default modifier as
you read in the above topic. In case of only SIZE, SIGN, STORAGE CLASS,
CONSTANT, and VOLATILE modifier compile automatically assumes int as a default
data type. For example:


long a=25;

It is equivalent to: long int a=25;


signed a=25;

It is equivalent to: signed int a=25;


register a=25;

It is equivalent to: unsigned

Default modifier in c

    If you will
not write any modifiers of a particular group then c compiler will take default
modifier of that group. Default modifier of each group has written in the
following table:  

1. Default modifier of storage class is auto when we
declared the variable inside any function and default modifier of storage class
is static when we declared variable outside of all functions.

List of modifiers in c

In the above table modifier ending with * indicates
they are not keyword of c language. These modifiers are called as nothing
modifier since there is not any special keyword in which represents those
modifiers. If you will not write any thing it then compiler will understand you
are writing nothing modifier of those groups.

Meaning of
following word in the above table:

nothing: It is

C data type modifiers

Modifiers in c
programming language of data types

There are some keywords in c which modify the
meaning the meaning of above mentioned basic data type in c. On the basis of
properties of modifier we can categories the modifier in following eight

1. Size modifier

2. Signed modifier

3. Constant modifier

4. Volatile modifier

5. Storage class

6. Pointer modifier

7. Function

Primitive data types in c

Primitive or most fundamental data type in c can be categorized
in three groups on the basis of its application:

1. Integral type number: char ,

2. Real type number: float ,

3. Void or nothing type: void

List of data types
Primitive data types in c
Modifiers of data types in c
List of modifiers in c
Default modifiers of data types in c
Default data of modifiers

List of data type in c

A complete picture of all c data types has been represented
by following figure.

Note: Apart from these basic data type there are few
other data types which have been defined inside header files which will be
discussed later. 

List of data types
Primitive data types in c
Modifiers of data types in c
List of modifiers in c
Default modifiers of data types in c

Introducing c data type

Every programming language
deals with some data. For example to print any message it requires charterer or
string type of data. To solve any mathematic expression it requires integral as
well as real number (floating type) of data. C is very rich in data type. We
can broadly divide all data type in c in three categories:

1. Primitive or fundamental
data type

2. Derived data type

3. User

Data types in c language

Data types in c 

1. Introduction

2. List of data types

3. Primitive data types in c

4. Modifiers of data types in c

5. List of modifiers in c

6. Default modifiers of data types in c

7. Default data of modifiers in c

8. Rules of using modifiers in c

9. Possibles modifiers of given data types in c

10. Size modifier in c

11. Size of data types in c

12. Sign modifier in c

13. Range of

Data segment in c

All the segments are used
for specific purpose. Like segment number 15 is used for ROM, segment number 14
is used for BIOS etc.  

We will discuss about how to access text video
memory, graphics video memory in the pointer and union chapters of 255 bits
color graphics programming.

Segment number eight has special name which is known
as data segment. This segment has been divided

What is offset address

What is
offset address?

Offset address and segment
number in c programming language

Each segment has divided into two parts.

1. Segment no (4 bit)

2. Offset address (16 bit)

So, in the other words we can say memory address of
any variable in c has two parts segment number and offset address.

In turbo c 3.0 a particular segment number offset
address varies from

Memory segment | Segment address

segmentation in 8086 microprocessor : Segmented

Resident memory of RAM of
size 1MB has divided into 16 
equal parts. These parts is called segment. Each
has size is 64 KB.

16 * 64 KB = 1 MB

This process of division is
known as segmentation.

Note: In turbo c 3.0 physical addresses of any

are stored in the 20 bits. But we have not any

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Physical address of a computer

address and physical address: How to find 

or get a physical address of a RAM

physical address of computer or operating system

All the c variables are stored in the residence memory.

In turbo C 3.0, 20 bits address of the memory cell is
known as physical address or real address. In 20 bits,
we can represent address   from 0x00000 to 0xFFFFF. That
is all c variables must have

what is resident memory

What is resident memory of a computer?

RAM has divided into two parts:

(1)        Extended memory (useless)

(2)        Residence memory 

In Turbo C 3.0 compiler size of residence memory is 1MB.

resident memory:


When any program is executed it is stored in the
residence memory. For turbo c 3.0, it has 1MB residence

What is the ram of a computer?

What is the
ram memory: Memory cell in computer

Entire RAM has divided in numbers of equal parts, which are

known as memory cells. Following diagram represents the 256


Each cell can store one-byte data. Data are stored in the
binary number system. That is a character data reserves one
memory cell while floating data reserves four memory cells.

Each memory cell

Difference between .com program and .exe program in c programming language

Both .com and .exe program are executable program
but .com program execute faster than .exe program. All drivers are .com
program. .com file has higher preference than .exe 
For example:
Open the command prompt in window OS. (Type CMD in Run)
In the command prompt type notepad and press enter key you will get the notepad. Since it executes notepad.exe 

Repeat the same task but now first create

Difference between TSR and TSO program

Difference between TSR and TSO program

TSO means terminate but stay outside.
It is that program, which release the main memory after the execution of the
program. Example ms paint, notepad, turbo c compilers etc.

TSR means terminate but stay
residence .It is those program, which after the execution of the program does not
release the RAM (main memory).e.g. antivirus.

List the five c

What will be address range which can be represented in 20 bit?



Min possible

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000                            


Max possible

1111 1111 1111 1111 1111    


In c any hexadecimal number start with 0x 0r 0X So, address range   will be 0x00000 to 0xFFFFF. So in turbo C 3.0 memory address of all variables must be within 0x00000 to oxFFFFF.

It is 1MB memory range.


2^10 = 1KB

2^20 = 1MB

Hexadecimal representation in c

hexadecimal number system we use 16 different digits so its base is 16. List of
all hexadecimal digits:

Hexadecimal digit

Decimal equivalent

Binary equivalent




























Turbo c compiler

Turbo c is an IDE of c programming language created by Borland. Turbo C 3.0 
is based on MS DOS operation 
system. It is one of the most popular c compilers. It uses 8086 microprocessor which is 16
bit microprocessor. It has 20 address buses and 16 data bus. Its word length is
two byte. 

Size of data types in Turbo C 3.0:

Data type


short int




C compiler

There are various c compilers are variables. Some of these are:






Turbo c 3.0








Borland C 4.0




Microsoft C




Visual C++



Note: 8086 is 16 bit microprocessor while 80386 is 32

Memory mapping in c

Basic knowledge before staring c programming language. To become best c programmer you must have knowledge about memory mapping.

1. List the five c compilers?

2. Describe turbo c compiler?

3. What is hexadecimal number system?

4. What will be address range which can be represented in 20 bit?

5. What is difference between TSR and TSO program?

6. What is difference between .com program and