Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Computer Terms Full Forms

General Computer Short Term and related full form terminology as:

Short Term Full Form
ABC Atanasoff-Berry Computer
AMD Advanced Micro Devices
AI Artificial Intelligence
ALU Arithmetic and Logic Unit
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ATM Automated teller machine or Asynchronous Transfer Mode
AVI Audio Visual Interleave
BIOS Basic Input Output System
CD Compact Disk
CU Control Unit
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
CGI Common Gatweay Interface
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
CPU Central Processing Unit
CAD Computer Aided Design
CUI Character User Interface
CAI Computer Aided Instruction
CAL Computer Aided Learning
CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing
CSMA/CD Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detection
CVT constant voltage transformer!
DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DIMM Dual In-line Memory Module
DMA Dynamic Memory Access
DPI Dot Per Inch
DVD Digital Versatile Disc or Digital Video Disc
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
EDO-RAM extended data output-RAM
FAT File Allocation Table
FLOPS Floating Point Instruction Per Second
FAX Far Away Xerox
FDC Floppy Disk Controller
GIGO Garbage In Garbage Out
GUI Griphical User Interface
GPL General Public Language
HD Hyper Definiation
HDD Hard Disk Drive
HDC Hard Disk Controller
IDE Integrated Development Environment
IRC Internet Relay Chat
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol
ISDN Integrated Service Digital Network
LASER Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LED Light Emitting Diode
MICR Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface
NASSCOM National Association of Software and Services Companies
NFS Network File System
NTFS New Technology File System
OCR Optical Character Recognition
OLE Object Linking and Embedding
OOP Object Oriented Programming
OMR Optical Mark Recognition
PATA Parallel advanced technology attachment
P-COMMERCE Pipe-Commerce
PDF Portable Document Format
PRM Rotate Per Minute
QOS Quality Of Service
RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disks or Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
RAM RAndom Access Memory
ROM Read Only Memory
RJ Registered Jack
RTF Rich Text Format
SATA Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
S-D-RAM Synchronous dynamic random access memory
SIMM single in-line memory module
SMPS Switching-Mode Power Supply
UNIAC UNIVersal Automatic Computer
UPS Un-interruptable Power Supply
USB Universal Serial Bus
UUCP Unix-to-Unix Copy Protocol
VGA Video Graphics Array
VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal
WAIS Wide Area Information System
WAV Waveform Audio
WI-FI Wireless Fidelity
WMF Windows Metafile Format
WORM Write Once Read More
WYSIWYG what you see is what you get
ZIP Zigzag Inline Package or zicxac inline pin

Computer images extension Short form & related full form terms:

Short Term Full Form
BMP BitMap Picture
JPEG/JPG Joint Photographic Expert Group
GIF Graphic Interchange Format
PNG Portable Networks Graphics
TIFF Tagged Image File Format

Computer Network & Internet Short form & related full form terms:

Short Term Full Form
ARPA NETAdvanced Research Projects Agency Network
DLLData Link Layer
DNSDomain Name System
HTMLHyper Text Mark-up Language
ICMPInternet Control Message Protocol
IMAPInternet Message Access Protocol
INTERNETInter Network
ISPInternet Service Provider
LLCLogical Link Control
MACMedia Access Control
NNTPNetwork News Transfer Protocol
POP-3Post Office Protocol Version-3
SMIMESecure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
SNMPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol
SSLSecure Sockets Layer
TLSTransport Layer Security
TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
FTPFile Transfer Protocol
VOIPVoice Over Internet Protocol
VPNVirtual Private Network
WWWWorld Wide Web
URLUniform Resource Locator
LANLocal Area Network
MANMetropolitan Area Network
WANWide Area Network

Computer language Short form & related full form terms:

Short Term Full Form
BASIC Beginner All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
COBOL COmmon Business Oriented Language
PHP PHP : Hypertext Preprocessor
ASP Active Server Pages
CSS Cascading Style Sheet
XML eXtensible Mark-up Language

Tuesday, 9 July 2013


Repeaters are also called Re-generator.

Repeaters is only hardware device.

Repeaters re-generate the original bit pattern.

Repeaters in Computer Network to re-generate to weak signal
Figure: Repeaters in Computer Network

The purpose of repeater is to extend the LAN segment beyond its physical limits.

Repeaters are used to connect two physically close building together.

Repeaters operate at the  "Physical layer" of OSI model.

Repeaters can join two different physical physical media  but they must use the same access method.

Repeaters handle only the electrical and physical characteristics of the signal.

Repeaters works only the same type of physical layer as Ethernet-to-Ethernet.

Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

Question: What is OSI model? Elaborate your answer.


The OSI stand for "Open System Interconnection".

It was first introduced in the late 1970s by the ISO (International Standard Organization).

An OSI is a set of protocol that allow any two different system to communicate regardless of their underlying architecture.

The OSI model is not a protocol; it is a model for understanding and designing a network architecture that is flexible, robust, and inter-operable.

It consists of seven separate but related layers, each of which defines a part of the process of moving information across network.

These seven layers of OSI model can be divided into two categories:

  1. Upper Layer (Application Layer):
    • This part consist three top layer as: Application layer, Presentation layer, Session layer.
    • These layers provide the application services required for the exchange of information.
  2. Lower Layer ( Data Transport):
    • These layer consist remaining four layers as: Physical layer, Data link, Network layer, Transport layer.
    • These layers handle the data transport issues.
    • In other word these layers provides the end-to-end service necessary for the transfer of data between two system.

Layers of OSI reference model
Figure: Layers of OSI reference model

  1. Physical Layer
    • The data units on this layer are called bits.
    • This is also concerned with the following:
      • Interface between the device and the transmission medium.
      • Types of transmission media
      • Signals may be electrical or optical
      • Data rate
      • connection
      • Topology
      • Transfer rate
    • Repeaters & Hub are used in physical lyaer.
  2. Date Link Layer (DLL)
    • The data unit on this layer is called frame (Group of bits )
    • This layer divided into two sub layers:
      1. Media Access Control ( MAC )
        • The MAC sub-layer controls how a computer on the network gains access to link resources and grant permission to transmit it.
      2. Logical Link Control ( LLC )
        • The LLC layer controls frame synchronization  flow control and error checking.
    • In summarize DLL is responsible for hop to hop delivery:
      • Framing
      • physical Addressing
      • Error Control
    • "Bridge" uses in DLL.
  3. Network Layer
    • The unit of data at network layer is called packet or Data-gram.
    • The network layer establish a route between sending & receiving stations.
    • "Router" device used in network layer.
    • Network layer is responsible for the source-to-destination delivery:
      • Packet
      • Logical Addressing
      • Routing
  4. Transport Layer
    • In this layer data unit called segment.
    • The transport layer is responsible for overall end-to-end validity and integrity of the transmission.
    • "Gateway" devices used in transport layer.
    • Transport layer responsible for process-to-process delivery as:
      • Port Addressing
      • Segmentation
      • Segmentation and Reassembly
      • Connection Control
      • Flow Control
  5. Session Layer
    • The session layer decided when to turn communication ON and OFF between two computers.
    • The session layer responsible for following:
      • Dialog Controller
      • Synchronization
      • Translation
      • Encryption
  6. Presentation Layer
    • In this layer data packet unit called is "Presentation Protocol Data Unit".
    • It perform code conversion and data reformatting.
    • Compression
  7. Application Layer
    • The application layer is the top layer of OSI model.
    • It defines the language and syntax that programs uses to communicate with other programs.
    • The application layer enables the user, whether human or software, to access the network and services.

In summarize OSI model is as: ( source: )

OSI model & Functionlity
Figure: OSI model & Functionlity


Q. What is Gateway?


A gateway is hardware & software devices

Gateway is used to interconnect LAN & WAN.

Gateway in Networking
Figure: Gateway in Networking

Gateway makes communication possible between different architecture & environment.

Gateway perform protocol and date onversion.

A gateway operate at the "Transport Layer" and above.

Gateway uses all 7 layers on OSI models.


Question: What is routers?


A router is a special purpose computer, that allows to connect to multiple computer networks.

Routers are both hardware & software devices.

Routers in computer networking
Figure: Routers in computer networking

Router can connect network segments, and filters and isolate traffic.

Unlike a bridge, a router can connect networks that uses different technology, addressing methods, media types, frame format speeds.

Routers operator at "Network Layer" in OSI model.

Routers in Networking
Figure: Routers in Networking


A bridge segment or divide a network to isolate traffic related problem.

A bridge sends the data frames only to the concerned segment.

Bridges are used to connect dis-similar network like ethernet system to Token Ring-System. Thus bridge used to join network using CSMA/CD access and token passing access.

Bridge in Networking
Figure: Bridge in Networking 

Bridge are both hardware and software devices.

Bridge operate "Date Link Layer" in OSI model.

The purpose of bridge as :

  1. Isolate network by MAC addresses.
  2. Manage network traffic by filtering packet.
  3. Translate from one protocol to another.

Monday, 8 July 2013


Hubs are also called "Multi port repeaters" or "concentrators".

Hub is hardware devices.

Hubs in Computer Networking
Figure: Hubs in computer networking

Hub is similar to repeaters, except that it broadcast data received by any port to tall other parts on the hub.

Hubs are used to provide a physical star topology.

Hubs operators at "Physical layer" in OSI model.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Random Number Pyramid

Q. Write a C program to print the any entered number, digit pyramid,

For example:

if entered number is : 87954
then output must be as:



/*c program for random digit pyramid*/
int main()
 int n[50],i,j=0,k,r,c,len;
 printf("Enter total length of number : ");
 scanf("%d", &len);
 printf("\nNote: Entered digit MUST be single.\n\n");
 for(i=0; i<len; i++)

   printf("Enter %d single digit : ",i+1);
   scanf("%d", &n[i]);
 for(r=1; r<=len; r++,j++)
  for(c=r,k=j; c<=len; c++,k++)
 return 0;

The output of above program would be:

Output of Random Number Pyramid C program
Figure: Screen shot for Random Number Pyramid C program

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Diamond Pattern C program

Q. Write a C program to print the following diamond pattern as:



/*c program for diamond pattern*/
int main()
 int num,r,c,z,n,nm,no;
 printf("Enter max. number : ");
 scanf("%d", &num);
 nm = num+1;
 for(r=1; r<=num; r++,nm--)
  for(c=1,n=num; c<=r; c++,n--)
  for(z=nm,c=1; c<r; c++,z++)

 no = num-1;
 for(r=1; r<=num; r++,no++)
  for(c=num; c>r; c--)
  for(z=no,c=num-2; c>=r; c--,z++)
 return 0;

The output of above program would be:

Output of diamond pattern C program
Figure: Screen-shot for diamond pattern C program

Number Triangle

Q. Write a C program to print the following number triangle/pyramid program:



/*c program for number triangle*/
int main()
 int num,n,r,c,z;
 printf("Enter max. number : ");
 scanf("%d", &num);
 for(r=1; r<=num; r++)
   for(c=1; c<=r; c++)

 for(r=1; r<num; r++)
   for(c=num,z=1; c>r; c--,z++)
 return 0;

The output of above program would be:

Output of number triangle C program
Figure: Screen-shot for number triangle C program

Number-Character Pattern

Q. Write a C program to print the following number-character pattern as:



/*c program for number-character pattern*/
int main()
 int num=7,r,c,z;
 for(r=1; r<=5; r++)
  for(c=1; c<=num; c++)

     if( (r==1 && c==3) || (r==2 && c==4) || (r==3 && c==5) || (r==4 && c==6) || (r==5 && c==7) )
 return 0;

The output of above program would be:

output of Number-Character pattern C program
Figure: Screen-shot for number-character pattern C program


Odd Number Pyramid

Q. Write a C program to print the following odd number pyramid as:

3 5
5 7 9
7 9 11 13


/*c program for odd number pyramid*/
int main()
 int num,r,c,z=1,p;
 printf("Enter no. of rows : ");
 scanf("%d", &num);
 for(r=1; r<=num; r++,z=z+2)
  for(c=1,p=z; c<=r; c++,p=p+2)
      printf(" %d",p);

 return 0;

The output of above program would be:

output for odd number pyramid C program
Figure: Screen-shot for odd number pyramid C program