Tuesday 4 September 2012

Pointer basic example

We has been discuss about what is pointer and concept of pointer. Now the following program demonstrates the relationship of our pointer discussion.

int main()
   int x = 5;
   int *y;

   y = &x;
   printf("\nAddress of x = %u", &x);
   printf("\nAddress of x = %u", x);
   printf("\nAddress of y = %u", &y);
   printf("\nValue of y = %d", y);
   printf("\nValue of x = %d", x);
   printf("\nValue of x = %d", *(&x));
   printf("\nValue of y = %d", *y);

  return 0;

The output of above program would be:

Address of x = 2293620
Address of x = 5
Address of y = 2293616
Value of y = 2293620
Value of x = 5
Value of x = 5
Value of y = 5

/* Screen shot for above program */

Output of pointer basic example C program
Screen-shot for pointer basic example C program

note: the address of variable may be differ because its depend on compiler. I use Bloodshed software "Dev-C++" so you can see that here integer occupy 4 bytes.

The above program summarizes everything that we discussed in what is pointer and concept of pointer chapters. If you don't understand the program output, or the meaning of &x, &y, *y and *(&x), re-read the last 2 chapter of pointer:
What is pointer
Concept of pointer

Now look at the following declaration:

int *n;
char *ch;
float *area;

Here, n, ch and area are declared as pointer variable, i.e. these variable capable of holding addresses.
Keep in mind: Address ( location numbers ) are always whole numbers.
In summarize "we can say pointers are variable that contain addresses and addresses are always whole numbers."

The declaration float *area does not mean that area is going to contain a floating-point value. The meaning is, *area is going to contain the address of a floating-point value.
Similarly, char *ch means that ch is going to contain the address of a char value or in other words, the value at address stored in ch is going to be a char.

Now we know that "Pointer is a variable that contains address of another variable."
Can we further extended it? The answer is Yes, we can. Read in next chapter "Pointer Extended Example".

Related programs:

  1. What is pointer ?
  2. Concept of Pointer
  3. Pointer extend example

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