Saturday 10 November 2012

User Define Function- LeapYear

Q. Write a C program to find entered year is leap year or not using own created function say "leap".


/*c program for find year is leap year or not using user define function leap*/
int leap(int );
int main()

 int year;
 printf("Enter any year : ");
 scanf("%d", &year);
   printf("\n%d is leap year",year);
   printf("\n%d is not leap year",year);
 return 0;

int leap(int y)
 if((y%400==0 && y%100==0)||(y%4==0))
    return 1;
    return 0;

The output of above program would be:

Output of check year is leap year or not using user define function C program
Figure: Screenshot for user define function to
check year is leap year C program

Output of check year is leap year or not using user define function C program
Figure: Screenshot for user define function to 
check year is not leap year C program

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